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St. John's CE (VA) J&I School

Prepare the way of the Lord

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

St John's CE (VA) J&I School is an inclusive and supportive school that strives to ensure that children with special educational needs make fantastic progress during their time here. We work very closely with parents to ensure the best outcomes for all children. Our building is built to accommodate any staff, parents, children and visitors with disabilities and we provide disabled access to the school.


Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Miss Jackson and our SEND link Governor is Mrs Slaven. To make an appointment to speak to our SENCO, please contact our school office on 01924 369 136.


See the document below for further information on our Special Educational Needs Information Report.


Click below to download our SEND information report, SEND Policy, Provision Map by Category, Auxiliary Aids and Equipment Policy, Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy and Accessibility Policy.


Please see below for Wakefield LA's Local Offer regarding SEN provision. 
