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St. John's CE (VA) J&I School

Growing together, becoming all that we are created to be.

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School Clubs

At St John’s School children are invited to take part in a wide range of clubs which take place at lunch times and after school. The clubs reflect the ethos of the school to nurture, learn and succeed together.   


Extra-curricular activities are an essential part of school life and allow children to enrich their educational experience. They help pupils and staff to develop good relationships and they promote children’s self-esteem. Most clubs allow children from different year groups to mix, which helps the children with their social skills. 


Clubs that are run by staff and use school resources are free. However, some clubs are run by external providers and there is a small charge for these.  


Most clubs will begin at 3.20pm and end at 4.20pm. Please ensure that your child is collected promptly by their adult or carer at the main entrance.  For Provision, please pick up your child from the hall doors via the KS2 playground. 


The sign up letter for school run clubs will be added to the website at the end of each half term. KS2 clubs are to be booked through Parent Pay, Provision is via completion of a form and then payment is to be made on Parent Pay.


If your child signs up for a club, we want them to be fully committed and to attend the clubs every week. However, if your child is unable to attend, please contact the school office as soon as possible to let them know.  Whilst clubs are less formal than lessons, we do expect the same level of behaviour from children otherwise they may be asked to leave.  


The clubs we offer (though these may change throughout the year) are: 








Tag Rugby



TT Rockstars/Numbots

Provision Sporting Activities



