English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Many of our children and families have English as an additional language (EAL).
Many steps are taken to support children through their learning journey. Quality first teaching is vital, however for some children, there are some occasions when further additional support is needed to help them achieve their targets. Every teacher is a teacher of every child or young person including those with English as an Additional Language. School also works alongside and gains advice/training from WISENDSS about EAL.
We support our children by:
- Extra visual aids (Widgit resources)
- Word mats
- NHS Speech and Language screening for all our children when they first arrive at school
- WellComm Speech and Language support
- Talking Partners
- Colourful Semantics (Questioning)
- Small group interventions to develop oracy and language skills with resources from LA EAL team
- Dual-coding resources (with pictures and words)
- Using knowledge organisers and sharing these with families
Our English as an Additional Language Coordinator is Miss Jackson and our EAL link Governor is Mrs Slaven.
Our school website can be translated into various different languages using the tab at the top of the page (Translate).
If you need any support with completing documents or supporting your child at home, please visit the school office and we will be more than happy to help.