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St. John's CE (VA) J&I School

Growing together, becoming all that we are created to be.

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Lunch Menus

Parents can choose whether their child has a school meal, packed lunch or goes home at lunch-time.  School meals are good value, good quality, healthy, balanced meals and are prepared and cooked on the premises.


The Government introduced a new initiative named Universal Infant Free School Meals and, through this initiative, they now provide funding to enable schools to offer a free lunch to every pupil in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. 


School meals are served in the hall where we have a self-service system with a choice of hot and cold main courses and desserts, and include salads and fruit choices. Children select their meal in the morning and a coloured band is given to the kitchen staff to show which meal has been selected.  Special diets can be catered for on request.  Please see a member of the school office for further details if your child has a food allergy.


Throughout the year, we hold a number of special theme day lunches and parents wishing to sample our school meals are always welcome.   If you wish your child to make a change from one arrangement to another then this should be done for the beginning of a new half term, with two weeks advance notice being given to the school office in writing.  If arrangements need to be changed in an emergency please contact the school office.


Dinner money for children in KS2, is £13.00 for a whole week (£2.60 per meal), and should be paid on the parent pay portal on Monday each week or on the first day back after a holiday or absence or a lump sum can be added onto the account in advance if you prefer.  Only meals taken are charged so if your child is absent and the meal has already been paid for then this will be adjusted with the next payment or refunded.


An unlimited amount of fresh water is available to all children in the dining hall.  Children who stay to school lunch or packed lunch must remain on the premises throughout the lunch hour.


We are a ‘nut-free’ school as some children may have allergies to nuts and require medication.


Packed Lunches - Packed lunches are also eaten in the school hall.  Packed lunches brought into school should also comply with the new Standards for School Food and should be balanced and healthy.  Bread, savoury crackers or breadsticks can be included as part of a balanced meal.  Wholemeal bread is a healthy option. Cakes and biscuits are often high in fat, sugar and salt and although it is permissible to include these in a packed lunch they should be consumed in the context of a balanced meal.  Crisps are not recommended as much healthier options are available such as fruit or vegetables, fruit salad, dried fruit or seeds (with no added salt, sugar or fat). Drinks, soup, hot food, sweets and chocolate bars are not allowed to be brought into school for breaks or lunch.


School Milk - With effect from January 2015, as part of the new school food plan, schools became legally obliged to ensure that milk is available during the school day to all pupils.  Under the Department of Health Nursery Milk scheme, children in Reception Class who are under five are eligible to receive free school milk.  For children aged five years and over, milk is offered but it is chargeable to parents.  Please register your child for milk at


Break Times - Our school is part of the Free Fruit and Vegetable Scheme which provides a piece of fruit or vegetable each day for all EYFS and Key Stage 1 children. Parents may send children with a piece of fruit, vegetables, cheese (if pre-wrapped eg Babybell), fruit salad, dried fruit or seeds (with no added salt or sugar) to be eaten during break time.  Chocolate, sweets, crisps or biscuits are not allowed to be brought into school for break time.
